

Paper Abstract (desirable but not required for full paper submission) – 14 July 2019

Paper submission is a two phase process: initially submit a paper title and 500 word abstract, including author identification, electronically in the conference paper abstract format available as PDF and RTF. This will be quickly reviewed based on the suitability of the topic for the conference; then the full paper is submitted. Please proceed to the electronic submission of your paper abstract. Submission is through EasyChair, where you will be required to set up a login account if you do not already have one. A pdf file needs to submitted.

Full papers for review may be submitted without a prior abstract.

Paper for Review Submission both Research Papers and Position Papers– 21 August 2019

Full papers for review (25 pages maximum) must be submitted electronically through EasyChair in the conference paper format which is available as PDF and RTF . One pdf file with the full paper including the title and abstract, including author identification anywhere, needs to be submitted. Separately, at time of submission you need to email the conference with a statement that at least one author will register and attend the conference to present the paper if accepted and that the paper has not been submtted elsewhere, please include the paper title in the email. Please proceed to electronically submit your paper. Submission is through the EasyChair system accessed through the above link, where you will be required to set up a login account if you do not already have one. If you have already submitted an abstract, submit the full paper for review as a new submission.
Research paper titles should commence with RESEARCH PAPER:
Position paper titles should commence with POSITION PAPER:

Previously Published Papers – 14 August 2019
Previously publsihed papers should be submitted through EasyChair.
The paper title should commence with PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED:

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference by 30 September 2019 to have their paper included in the published proceedings.

Full papers may be submitted without a prior abstract.

Accepted, Revised Paper Submission – due 14 October 2019

The printed proceedings will be published by Springer. Revised, accepted papers have an absolute page limit of 25 pages in the conference format. Note that the Abstract is limited to 150 words. You can download the style as .docx file (DOC), an rtf file (RTF), as an example paper in docx (example paper in DOC), in rtf (example paper in RTF) or as an example paper in pdf (example paper in PDF). Each paper needs a Consent form (consent) to be published. Submit the revised paper as a resubmission of the original submission number through EasyChair. A single zipped file containing four files: the paper in pdf, the paper in docx (or rtf), a note indicating how you have addressed the reviewers' comments in pdf, and the signed Consent form, needs to be submitted.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference by 30 September 2019 to have their paper included in the published proceedings..

Submission Dates Revised


Title and abstract,  500 words, include author information, electronic submission in PDF

14 July 2019


Papers for review include author information, electronic submission in PDF format in HI'19 conference style (25 pages maximum)

21 August 2019


Authors informed of results of paper reviews

30 September 2019


Accepted revised papers due (25 pages maximum)
electronic submission in RTF and PDF formats in HI'19 conference style

14 October2019


HI'19 Conference

15-18 December 2019